REGISTRATION IS CLOSED FOR THIS EVENT. | Team Size: 2-3 players with option for 1 alternate player. |
It's Trivia time! Test your knowledge by focusing on trivia questions on all types of subjects!
As in the past, each team (2-3 players with option for an alternate player) will have to answer the questions and then bet on how confident they are in their answers. All competitions leading up to the Regionals will be held within each community. Winning teams from each community will compete at a regional competition. The top team from each region PLUS one wild card team from each region will be selected following the regional competition, will compete for the grand prize in Springfield on May 14! REGIONAL COMPETITIONS WILL BE HELD APRIL 15-17!
North Regional: April 15 What's New in 2025? TOURNAMENT RULES - COMMUNITY, REGIONAL & STATE 1. A minimum of two judges will be required for each local trivia contest. 2. The trivia contest will consist of 15 rounds. 3. Each team will write down their answer to each questions and assign a point value (1-15). Each point value can only be used once. 4. The teams will be allowed two minutes to write out their answer and assign a point value. During the two minutes, teams may ask the judges to repeat the question. 5. After two minutes, the team must slide the answer sheet to the front of the table and put down their pencils/pens. 6. A judge will come around and collect the answer sheets and read the answers aloud. 7. If the team answers correctly, they earn the allotted points. If the team does not answer correctly, they will not earn the points. 8. Repeat this process for 15 rounds. The team with the most points at the end of 15 rounds is the winning team. No team is eliminated until the 15 rounds are concluded. 9. If at the end of 15 rounds there is a tie for first, the match will become a single-elimination tournament. The teams that answer correctly in each round will move on to the next round. The teams that do not answer correctly will not move on to the next round. The last team remaining is the winning team. You must complete each round before a team is eliminated. 10. The questions will be selected randomly from the provided lists by the judges. 11. The winning team from each community will advance to the regional competition in April. 12. If the winning team does not wish to advance, the second place team will advance to the regional competition. |
Key Dates to Remember! Feb. 14-17 Registered communities will receive trivia questions for local competitions Feb. 17 – Mar. 17 Hold Local Competitions to Determine Winning Team |