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Advancing Supportive Living: Understanding How the Pandemic has Impacted the Supportive Living Program Webinar #2

  • 27 Jul 2021
  • 1:00 PM - 3:45 PM
  • Zoom Meeting


Registration is closed

Join AALC on Tuesday, July27th for the second of three live Zoom webinar workshops.

This year, AALC in partnership with Southern Illinois School of Medicine is hosting a three-part series to share the most up-to-date information and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.  This is the second workshop in the series.

Each workshop will include three sessions covering the following topics: 

  • SLP Regulatory Update led by Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in the Supportive Living Program
  • Issues from the Field & Lessons Learned from COVID-19 

Cost to attend the 1st Workshop:
$35  Non Member: $50 per workshop

Earn CE Credits!

Each workshop gives attendees the opportunity to earn a maximum of 2.25 CE hours per workshop. All other attendees will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Following registration, a confirmation email will be sent out with zoom call information. If you DO NOT RECEIVE, please check your spam folder!

Workshop Agenda

Session I: 1:00pm-1:45pm: Supportive Living Program Policy &  Regulatory Updates

Speaker: Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services-Mark McCurdy

Description: As public health guidance evolves to best confront the challenges posed by COVID-19 so too has regulatory guidance.  The purpose of this seminar series is to help Supportive Living Program providers understand how regulatory guidance has changed during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.  The seminar will also include discussion on how public health guidance for LTC facilities specifically apply to SLP communities, especially in view of recent CDC guidance related to COVDI-19 vaccinations. 

This session will focus on any changes to regulatory guidance since April 2021.

Learning objectives: Following this session, attendees will:

  • Describe key current and future challenges facing SLP, including those related to COVID-19.
  • Identify possible regulatory, legislative, or policy changes to address challenges.
  • Recognize how COVID-19 has temporarily and permanently influenced the regulatory environment.

Session II: 2:00pm-2:45pm: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Speaker: Sydney Kopp-Richardson, Director, National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative, Sage

Session Description:  LGBT older adults fought through decades of violence, bigotry, government-sponsored discrimination, criminalization, and conversion therapy. Despite this, they built one of the most transformative and successful equality movements this country has seen. Given all that, our elders should be welcomed and honored. Instead, too many LGBT elders grow old isolated and lonely, face discrimination in housing and care, don’t have enough to live on in their later years, and are often invisible and ignored in the very communities they created. Come learn about the ways LGBT people age in the United States, housing barriers LGBT elders face, and essential support and advocacy we can provide for LGBT elders in our respective settings.

Learning Objectives:  Following this session, attendees will:

  • Describe how to build a community that embraces diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion
  • Recognize barriers that LGBT elders face in housing
  • Identify essential support and advocacy that we can provide for LGBT elders in Supportive Living

Session III: 3:00-3:45pm: Issues from the field: Lessons learned from COVID-19 to a New Normal

Moderator: Karin Zosel

Panel Speakers: Claudia Kemple, MSW, Adult Protective Services Program Coordinator, Office of Adult Protective Services Illinois Department on Aging

Description:  As we move beyond the COVID-19 pandemic and our Supportive Living residents resume activities outside the community, it is important that we recognize and identify potential abuses. For this session, the Illinois Department of Aging will be joining us to deliver a presentation intended to raise awareness and understanding of the Illinois Adult Protective Services Act and Adult Protective Services Program and the resources available for our residents.  Case workers from the Adult Protective Services Provider Agencies conduct investigations and work with adults ages 60 or older and adults ages 18-59 with disabilities in resolving the abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation situation. All Adult Protective Services caseworkers are trained and certified by the Department.

Learning Objectives: Following this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe the Adult Protective Services Act, its guiding principles and ethics
  • Recognize types of abuse, neglect and exploitation and the APS mandated reporting, advocacy and intervention
  • Identify how to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation, trajectory, and post-reporting responsibilities
  • Credit:
    SIU School of Medicine is pre-approved as a continuing nursing education provider pursuant to Section 1300.130, subsection c), 1), B) and P) of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Nurse Practice Act. Nurses may receive a maximum of 2.5 contact hours for completing this activity.
    SIU School of Medicine is a licensed provider for continuing education for social workers (license #159-000106), professional/clinical counselors (license # 197.000073), clinical psychologists, (license #268.000008), nursing home administrators (license #139.000027) and dietitian/nutrition counselors (license #199.000121).
    Disclosure Policy:
    It is the policy of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Office of Continuing Professional Development, to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all its educational programs. All faculty participating in these programs are expected to disclose to the program audiences any real or apparent conflicts of interest related to the content of their presentation.

Affordable Assisted Living Coalition
P. O. Box 1245
Springfield, IL  62705

AALC is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.


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